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Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Jean-Marie BURGUBURU, lawyer at the Paris Bar, former President of the Bar Association and member of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Jean-Marc SAUVE (c), chairman, and members of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Florence THIBAUT, professor of psychiatry and addictology at the Paris Descartes Faculty of Medicine, assistant physician to the head of the psychiatry-addictology department at the CHU Cochin and member of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Laurence MARION, senior civil servant and member of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Alice CASAGRANDE, Director of Training, Innovation and Associative Life at the Federation of Private Non-Profit Hospital and Personal Assistance Establishments, Vice President of the Commission for the Fight against Abuse of the High Council for Family, Childhood and Age and of the National Advisory Committee for the Disabled and member of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Marion MULLER-COLARD, theologian, PhD from the Protestant Faculty of the University of Strasbourg, member of the National Consultative Ethics Committee for Life Sciences and Health and member of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Astrid KAPTIJN, Professor of Canon Law, outgoing Vice-Rector of the University of Fribourg in Switzerland and member of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Nathalie BAJOS, sociologist-demographer, director of research at INSERM and member of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Anne DEVREESE, director general of the National School of Judicial Youth Protection and member of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Laetitia ATLANI-DUAULT, Anthropologist, Director of the College of World Studies at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Foundation, Director of Research at CEPED (IRD, INSERM, University of Paris V) and member of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Thierry BAUBET, psychiatrist, specialist in the issue of psychological trauma. and member of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Sadek BELOUCIF, University Professor, hospital practitioner, head of the anesthesia-intensive care department, University of Paris 13 and Avicenne Hospital and member of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Didier GUERIN, masgistrate, elected to the Superior Council of the Judiciary as representative of the judges of the Court of Cassation and member of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Alain CORDIER, Inspector General of Finance, former director of the Assistante Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, former chairman of the board of Bayard Presse and member of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Stéphane de NAVACELLE, attorney at law at the New York and Paris Bars, member of the Bar Council and member of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Sylvette TOCHE, secretary general of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Antoine GARAPON, Magistrate, Secretary General of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Justice and member of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Jean-Pierre ROSENCZVEIG, Honorary Magistrate, member of the board of the National Council for Child Welfare and member of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Jean-Pierre WINTER, psychoanalyst and essayist, former teacher of child psychopathology at the University of Louvain la Neuve (Belgium) and teacher at the Popular University of Judaism, and member of the independent commission of inquiry into the sexual abuse of minors committed within the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Jean-Marc SAUVE (c), chairman, and members of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Jean-Marc SAUVE (c), chairman, and members of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.
Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church, known as the SAUVE Commission.
Olivier Donnars / Le Pictorium
February 8, 2019: Jean-Marc SAUVE (c), chairman, and members of the independent commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church. Paris (75), France.